Independent print publication showcasing the vibe of the Bayshore Arts District
Projected launch: 2022
The Bayshore Arts District is Naples’ up & coming place to live/play/eat/drink/work. Unpretentious & open minded, we celebrate artists, creativity and brick & mortar/mom & pop business. As an artist and 2nd generation Italian-American who grew up in a family of entrepreneurs, I value supporting local, independent, non-mainstream and off-the-grid. My great grandfather sold California grapes on the streets of Boston so other Italians could make their own wine. That eventually led to the family opening Tricca’s Italian Restaurant. No, I didn't inherit the cooking gene … but I can tell a story in photographs :)

THE BAYSHORE INDEPENDENT | Artist Rendition of premiere cover

Just for fun: My family's restaurant menu circa 1960's, Malden, Massachusetts